Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Soekarwo Receives East Java DPRD Audience

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Soekarwo accompanied by Secretary of Wantimpres Member Jan Prince Permata received an audience for Commission A of the East Java Provincial DPRD at the Wantimpres Office on January 7, 2021. During the hearing visit, Commission A of the East Java Provincial DPRD (Jatim) was led by Hedi Dadiyansyah, as Deputy Chairperson of Commission A.

At the meeting, Commission A of the East Java DPRD conveyed several points, including the position of the regional government regarding several regulations such as Presidential Decree 33 of 2020 and Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning Regional Government. Another issue that was discussed was about village development and the condition of the community who faced many agrarian conflicts and environmental damage in the regions.

Soekarwo was grateful for the visit of Commission A of the East Java DPRD to the Wantimpres Office. In addition, he also appreciated the initiative of the Commission A DPRD members in responding to conducting studies on problems faced by the community.
