Maulid Nabi Muhammad SAW in Pekalongan
Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) led dhikr and prayers at the commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Sunday (13/10) at Kanzus Shalawat, Pekalongan. This activity is the culmination of a series of Maulid events initiated by Habib Luthfi. Before the Maulid

Apel Merah Putih, NKRI Pledge, Gebyar Merah Putih and Amulet Display Parade
Habib Luthfi, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, accompanied by Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council, attended a gathering with Forkopimda after the Red and White Apple and NKRI Pledge event held at Mataram Field, Pekalongan City on Saturday (12/10). The Merah Putih Apple and NKRI Pledge is

West Manggarai needs skilled young generation to Welcome Golden Indonesia
West Manggarai Regency and Labuan Bajo need to prepare human resources and young people who are reliable, skilled and resilient in welcoming the Golden Indonesia. This was stated by Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Jan Prince Permata when encouraging and motivating dozens of young people participating in competency-based

Habib Luthfi Delivers a National Lecture at East Java Police Headquarters
Presidential Advisory Council Member Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi), accompanied by Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council, delivered a national lecture at the East Java Police Headquarters on Wednesday (04/09/2024). The event, organized under the theme of “East Java in Sholawat and Prayers Together,” was attended by

Habib Luthfi Delivers Religious Sermon at the Memorial of Habib Umar bin Thoha bin Yahya
Presidential Advisory Council Member Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi), accompanied by Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council, attended the 132nd Haul Akbar (Memorial) of Habib Umar bin Thoha bin Yahya on Sunday (1/09/2024). The event, held at the public cemetery of RK Karangmalang in Indramayu Regency, was

Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani Attends the Opening of the Pameran Kerajinan Nusantara Kriyanusa
Presidential Advisory Council Member, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, attended the opening of the Nusantara Crafts exhibition, Kriyanusa, on August 28, 2024, held at the Jakarta Convention Center. The Kriyanusa 2024 exhibition was inaugurated by the wife of the Vice President, Wury Ma’ruf Amin, accompanied by the head organizer of Kriyanusa

Two Members of Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council Depart for Saudi Arabia to Bring Home 3 Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI)
Members of Indonesia’s Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Sidarto Danusubroto and Djan Faridz departed for Saudi Arabia on Monday, August 26, 2024, accompanied by Sudiman Tarigan, Secretary of Wantimpres Members, and Akhmad Baihaqie, Head of the Directorate of Indonesian Citizen Protection for the Middle East Region at the Ministry of Foreign

Presidential Advisory Council Holds Closed Meeting on Scholarship and Research Funds
The Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) held a closed meeting with the theme “Optimizing Education Budget for Scholarships and Research Enhancement” at the Wantimpres office on Monday, August 19, 2024. The meeting featured several speakers, including Drs. Amich Alhumami, MA, M.Ed, Ph.D., Deputy for Human Development, Society, and Culture at Bappenas;

College Students Need to Continue Strengthening Nationalism and Defending the Country Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Jan Prince Permata urged students to continuously strengthen their understanding and knowledge of nationalism and Indonesian identity. A strong and comprehensive grasp of nationalism will bolster the resolve and efforts of the

Sidarto Danusubroto Receive Audience from PIMA
Presidential Advisory Council Member Sidarto Danusubroto, accompanied by Secretary Member Sudiman Tarigan, and Expert Staff Triana Dewi Seroja and Kris Tjantra, met with the leadership of the Maritime Leading Human Resources Association (PIMA) led by Chairman Harnoto on Thursday, August 15, 2024, at the Wantimpres office. PIMA is an organization

Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani Becomes a Resource Person in the Implementation of the “Golden Generation” Youth Retreat
Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani became a resource person in the implementation of the “Golden Generation” youth retreat, a movement towards the Golden Generation of Indonesia in 2045 which took place at the Camp David Resort, Cianjur Regency on Friday, July 5, 2024. On that

Wantimpres Meeting with MPR RI Leadership
WANTIMPRES Meeting with MPR RI Leadership Wantimpres held a meeting with the leadership of the MPR RI on Friday, (5/7) at the Wantimpres Office. Present at the meeting were Chairman Bambang Soesatyo and Deputy Chairmen of the MPR, Yandri Susanto and Fadel Muhammad. Meanwhile, the Wantimpres was attended by Chairman