Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Sidarto Danusubroto became the Keynote Speaker on the Socialization of Protecting and Guarding the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia that is Pro Diversity

Sidarto Danusubroto, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, was the Keynote Speaker at the Socialization of “Maintaining and Guarding the Pro-Diversity Homeland” at the Mahakam Building of the Polda East Kalimantan, on Wednesday, January 26, 2022.

The socialization of “Maintaining and Guarding the Pro-Diversity NKRI” was attended by the Deputy Chief of Police of East Kalimantan, all Main Officials of Pamen and Pamma of the Balikpapan Police. This activity was carried out in a hybrid manner, attended by around 200 personnel directly, while the remaining 5000 personnel from 9 Mapolres and Mapolresta East Kalimantan participated virtually.

This briefing is expected to be a reference for optimizing the real efforts of the East Kalimantan Regional Police in caring for Diversity for the realization of community harmonization. This effort in turn will maintain the stability of the controlled national security and security, the success of development and government agendas in the province of East Kalimantan.

Sidarto conveyed his arrival as a member of the Wantimpres to the East Kalimantan Regional Police as well as to appreciate the performance of the police and TNI in handling Covid-19. However, he reminded him, in addition to the Covid-19 vaccination, Indonesia must also regularly carry out “Ideological Vaccinations.”

Diversity is a gift from the Almighty. Indonesia’s diversity is a valuable asset that stores various local wealth as capital for the prosperity and welfare of the nation.

Furthermore, Sidarto Danusubroto said that the duties and responsibilities of Polri members were also very diverse. Give the best of the potential you have for the nation and state while still prioritizing a professional attitude, integrity, and positive character and based on good morals. The challenges faced are certainly not light. However, if it is guided by the PRECISION attitude which is the motto of the Police, the members will still stand firm and not be affected by the many problems, problems, challenges, and temptations.
