Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, Member of The Presidential Advisory Council In Webinar “Women’s Opportunities in Concurrent Regional Election 2020”

Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, Member of The Presidential Advisory Council was a resource person in the Webinar “Women’s Opportunities in the Concurrent Regional Election 2020” held by Kongres Wanita Indonesia (KOWANI) on October 20, 2020. On this occasion it was conveyed that the potential of women’s has been shown in many countries led by women, and made it through the pandemic, such as Germany, Denmark, Taiwan and New Zealand. In Indonesia, women have a big chance of winning the regional election. This is because women have a good abilities in communicating, listening, conveying aspirations, having sensitivity and flexibility. At the closing, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani reminded the importance of a clear strategy, starting from appearances, introduce herself to public, and recognizing area and knowing public needs. (OKT)
