Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani Becomes KeynoteSpeaker in Commemoration of Kartini Day Organized by the Indonesian National HeroFamily Association (IKPNI)

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani became the keynote
speaker and opening a webinar in commemoration of Kartini Day organized by the Indonesian
National Hero Family Association (IKPNI) chaired by Saharto Sahardjo (son of National Hero Dr.
Sahardjo, SH) and the Women’s Warrior Association ’45 (Perkumpulan Wanita Pejuang ’45)
chaired by Hj. Melani Leimena Suharli (daughter of National Hero Dr. J. Leimena) on Tuesday,
April 19, 2022, with the title Strong Women Advanced Indonesia (Wanita Tangguh Indonesia
On this occasion, Putri conveyed her views on the importance of women to always have a role in
accordance with the calling of their respective souls. It can start from the smallest scope as a
family hero or household hero, or even have a wider role, it can be a community driver and benefit
society, nation, and state.In addition, Putri, who is also the great-grandson of the national hero Sri Susuhunan Paku Buwono
X, invited the webinar participants to always imitate and uphold the spirit of life and the heroic
traits of the heroes in Indonesia.
On this occasion, several resource persons were present, Dra. Hj. Safira Machrusah (Indonesian
Ambassador to Algeria 2016-2020/granddaughter of National Hero KH. Abdul Wahab
Chasbullah), Min Usihen (Expert Staff of the Indonesian Minister of Law and Human Rights/great-
granddaughter of National Hero Kiras Bangun) and Puti Guntur Soekarno (Member of DPR RI/
granddaughter of the Proclaimer Ir. Soekarno), all of whom are Indonesian National Hero families.
