Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Habib Luthfi Attends Grand Recitation at Azzayadiy Islamic Boarding School Solo

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi), accompanied by Secretary of Wantimpres Member Hasbullah Ahmad, attended the grand recitation at the Azzayadiy Islamic Boarding School in Solo on Wednesday (16/11). The recitation was held in commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW as well as commemorating the 22nd haul of KH Ahmad Zayadi Notokartono, the 48th haul of Hj. Fatimah Notokartono, and the tasyakuran of mass circumcision.

Thousands of worshippers from Surakarta and surrounding areas attended the grand recitation event, which was enlivened by the chanting of shalawat from Habib Ali Zainal Abidin, the leader of the Azzahir shalawat assembly who is also the son-in-law of Habib Luthfi. This activity was also attended by scholars, boarding school caregivers, government officials, TNI and Polri local leaders.

In his talk, Habib Muhammad bin Husein Alhabsy reminded us the importance of modeling the Prophet Muhammad SAW as a leader who reconciles his nation. History records how Rasululah was able to stop the enmity between Bani Aus and Khazra, fraternizing people who had previously killed each other. Rasulullah brought the muhajirins and asors together in an Islamic bond that was no longer based on tribal ties. This is an example of a method of conflict resolution throughout the history of human civilization.

At the end of his tausyiah, Habib Muhammad conveyed the message that the commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was not just to show our love for the Prophet Muhammad SAW, but at the same time we were pursuing blessings. Blessings are obtained not only by those present at the recitation assemblies, but also by those in the city and even the country where the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW was commemorated. 
