Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Habib Luthfi Attends Grand Recitation at Al Halim Islamic Boarding School Garut

Located at the Al Halim Islamic Boarding School in Garut, West Java, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, M. Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) attended the grand recitation as well as the Thoriqoh Syadziliyah diploma awarding activity which is part of Sufism on (13/02) which was attended by students and the local community. Habib Luthfi advised the participants who attended the activity to keep maintaining the pure heart.

“The essence of following thoriqoh is to keep the heart clean. In Sufism, wudhu is not only to clean the mouth outwardly. But how does wudhu arrive inwardly, guarding our tongue from bad words,” said Habib Luthfi. More broadly, Habib Luthfi hopes that by practicing Sufism, the recitation participants will provide serenity to the Indonesian people because they are better trained to protect themselves from destroying unity through words.

In addition, Habib Luthfi also advised that this recitation activity should be a stimulus for participants to continue studying, willing to open themselves to study from all sources, and be wiser in dealing with differences. Habib Luthfi advised, “Following one theory in Sufism should not be the cause of closing hearts and minds from other sources of knowledge. Everything good that is conveyed or encountered from other teachers must still be a lesson that can be practiced by the audience”. It is hoped that this will have a positive impact on the attitude of the recitation participants who are thirstier for knowledge and are open to accept the differences in goodness that will be spread in the daily life of the recitation participants in their respective environments. (AB)
