Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Habib Lutfi’s Message to Maintain National Unity and Independence

Muslims must continue to maintain national unity. This is one of the messages conveyed by Wantimpres Member Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) in the grand recitation held by the Cijantung Al Qur’an Islamic Boarding School, Ciamis Regency, West Java on (16/02). Besides being attended by students and Islamic boarding school administrators, the event was also attended by the Regent and Deputy Regent of Ciamis, Dandim 0613/Ciamis, Ciamis Regency PCNU and interfaith leaders.

Habib Luthfi, who delivered tausyiah virtually, said that today’s Muslims should take lessons from the previous scholars and fighters, such as KH. Hasyim Asy’ari, KH. Ahmad Dahlan, and H.O.S Tjokroaminoto. Because these figures, apart from encouraging people to rise up, they also put forward the spirit of unity.

In addition, Habib Luthfi also advised that the public should be ashamed of the Walis. “The Walis in Java who have died, can still provide benefits to the surrounding community because the spirit of Muslim pilgrimage, the populist economy of the community around the tomb of the Walis are still alive. For those who are still alive, if they can’t spread the benefits to their surroundings, they should feel ashamed.” Habib Luthfi continued, the benefits for the environment can be realized in the form of mutually supporting each other’s economy. “If there are fruit traders and breeders around you, they must be supported. Don’t always be proud to consume imported fruit and food. Support national independence.”

Finally, on this occasion Habib advised that supporting the independence of the nation will also maintain the dignity and honor of Indonesia.
