Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden



Presidential Advisory Council Held an Online Meeting with the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas)

On October 13, 2020, the Presidential Advisory Council held an online meeting with the Minister of National Development Planning/Head of the National Development Planning Agency (Bappenas), themed “National Development Strategic Policies and Programs”. This meeting was intended to update the information about the government’s policy efforts and development programs amidst

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Developments in Drugs and Food Control

The Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) held an online meeting with the Head of Food and Drug Monitoring Agency (BPOM), Penny K. Lukito, to discuss developments in drugs and food control, especially about status of upcoming vaccines, drugs, and other treatments for Covid-19. Held on September 8, 2020, Penny K. Lukito

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Wantimpres Talk About Covid-19 and The Vaccine

On August 25, 2020, the Chairman and Members of the Presidential Advisory Council held a meeting with the theme “Policies and Tactical Measures for Handling Covid-19 through Covid-19 Vaccine Development” by presenting resource persons the Minister of Research and Technology, Head of the Eijkman Institute of Molecular Biology (LBM) and

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The Presidential Advisory Coucil Held a Meeting on Strategies to Recover the Tourism and Creative Industries in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic

The Presidential Advisory Council held an online meeting with the Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy, Wishnutama Kusubandio, on 19 August 2020 to discuss the Strategies to Recover the Tourism and Creative Industries in the midst of Covid-19 Pandemic. Minister of Tourism and Creative Economy revealed three national policies for

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Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya invites all society elements to strengthen the national unity and integrity on Silahturahmi Kebinekaan in Indramayu regency

Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya, member of Presidential Advisory Council, together with the regional leadership communication forum (Forkopimda) as well as religious and community leaders attended Silaturahmi Kebinekaan(communal bonds of gathering in the diversity) aimed to strengthen the national unity and integrity in Indramayu regency on 12 August 2020. First held

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Presidential Advisory Council meeting with The Director of BULOG

The Presidential Advisory Council held a Limited Meeting on the Role and Efforts of BULOG to Maintain Food Stocks Main in the Middle of a PandemicCovid-19 on August 13, 2020 with President Director of BULOG, Budi Waseso. This meeting discussed BULOG’s policies in meeting national food needs and food security,

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