Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden



Chairwoman of the Presidential Advisory Council’s Working Visit on Digital and Creative Economy in West Java Province

Mrs. Sri Adiningsih, Chairwoman of The Presidential Advisory Council, conducted working visit to West Java to meet Provincial Government Officials of West Java and relevant stakeholders with the topic “Development of Digital Economy and Creative Economy”. On the occasion, Mrs. Sri Adiningsih also visited Bandung Creative Hub, Bandung Digital Valley,

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Special Telecommunication Operation by and for Government Agencies

Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (WANTIMPRES), held a meeting with the Head of the National Cyber and Encryption Agency (Badan Siber dan Sandi Negara-BSSN) and other related stakeholders to discuss “Special Telecommunication Operations by and for Government Agencies, including Defense and State Security” at WANTIMPRES Office,

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Working Visit to Malaysia

Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, the Member of Presidential Advisory Council, received an explanation from Mr. Ong Chin Teck, Sunway Integrated Properties Sdn Bhd, concerning the landscape of integrated residential development, during a working visit at Sunway Integrated Properties headquarters, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (24/11)

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Meeting with Vice Minister of Finance

Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, the Member of Presidential Advisory Council in a meeting with Vice Minister of Finance, Mr. Mardiasmo, discussing “Infrastructure Development through BUMN Empowerment” at the Ministry of Finance (21/11)

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Indonesia Economic Cooperation with Oman Sultanate

Mr. Suharso Monoarfa, the Member of Presidential Advisory Council having a meeting with the Ambassador of the Sultanate of Oman to Indonesia, Mr. Sayyid Nazar bin Al-Julandi bin Majed Al-Said, and Omani High Level Delegation to discuss the plan of economic cooperation between Indonesia and the Sultanate of Oman (21/11)

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Cultural Workshop

Chairwoman and the Members of the Presidential Advisory Council taking picture together with the Chairman of Majelis Luhur Persatuan Tamansiswa, Rector of the University Sarjanawiyata Tamansiswa and the member of the Steering Committee of the Working Unit of President of Pancasila Ideology Development (UKP-PIP) and Head of UKP-PIP at Cultural

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Consignment of research team

Mr. M. Yusuf Kartanegara, the Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, took a picture with the Research Team of “Strengthening National Defense to Deal with Non-Military Threats in order to Strengthen NKRI” after the Consignment at the Presidential Palace in Cipanas (20/10)

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Regional Rembuk in Padang

Mr. Sidarto Danusubroto, the Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, while giving a token of appreciation to the Rector of Andalas University at the Regional Consultative Meeting in Padang (13/10)

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Farewell of Head of Data and Information Bureau

Picture of officials/staff of the Data and Information Bureau in a farewell ceremony of Mr. Kamarullah Halim, Head of Data and Information Bureau, whose retirement on November 1, 2017. In the event, there are also officials/staff of Data and Information Bureau who have been promoted or mutations to other units

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A visit to Pesantren Peta in Tulungagung

Mr. Sidarto Danusubroto, the Member of Presidential Advisory Council, while attending the event of Haul Hadrlratusysyaikh Mustaqiem bin Husein to-48, Nyi Hadiratusysyaikh K.H. Abdul Djalil Mustaqiem 13th, at Pondok Pesantren Peta Tulungagung, East Java (24/09)

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