Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden



Working visit and Focus Group Discussion Mr. Abdul Malik Fadjar, Member of The Presidential Advisory Council to Semarang, Central Java

Before holding the Focus Group Discussion on the theme of “Revolution of the National Character” (Educational Point of View), during his working visit to Semarang, Central Java Province, Mr. Abdul Malik Fadjar, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, took time to visit the Walisongo UIN Rectorate Building, on Thursday, August

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Working visit to Bengkulu Province

Mr. M. Yusuf Kartanegara, the Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, conducted a working visit to the Bengkulu Province, on July 30th to August 2nd, 2018. The working visit is conducted in order to collect and gather data and information about the current situation and conditions in the field of

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Mr. Jan Darmadi Visited Cocoa Plantation in North Luwu District

Member of the President Advisory Council, Mr. Jan Darmadi, accompanied by Member of the House of Representative, Mr. Luthfi Andi Mutty and Mr. Fadholi, and General Director of Plantation of the Ministry of Agriculture, Mr. Bambang, visited cocoa plantation in Batualang Village, North Luwu District, South Sulawesi Province on 10

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Working visit to South Korea

South Korea is one of the developed countries in the East Asia region that experiences fast economic growth. Indonesia’s cooperative relations with South Korea which have been established for a long time and are still increasing. Now South Korea has become one of the most important strategic partners in the

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Development of Technology and Cyber Security

The development of information technology, such as machine learning and big data analysis, makes data can be stored or processed for various purposes. However, this opens up opportunities for data utilization by some parties who do not have the authority or gain authority without consent or awareness of data owner/uploader.

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