Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) led dhikr and prayers at the commemoration of the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad, Sunday (13/10) at Kanzus Shalawat, Pekalongan. This activity is the culmination of a series of Maulid events initiated by Habib Luthfi. Before the Maulid Akbar, various activities had been carried out including Khotaman Al-Quran and Khotaman Imam Bukhori, Santunan Yatim and Du’afa, UMKM Bazaar, Maulid Nikah, Kirab Merah Putih, Rotibul Kubro, Mursyidin Jatman Gathering, Apel Merah Putih and NKRI Pledge, Pekalongan Jimat Long Parade. Thousands of Jam’ah from various regions crowded Kanzus Sholawat and various roads in Pekalongan City to attend the Maulid Akbar solemnly.
The Prophet’s Maulid program was preceded by the reading of Dalailul Khoirot, Madah Nabawiyah, and the Book of Maulid Simthutduror with Tawasul by Khodimul Maulid.