Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


College Students Need to Continue Strengthening Nationalism and Defending the Country

Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Jan Prince Permata urged students to continuously strengthen their understanding and knowledge of nationalism and Indonesian identity. A strong and comprehensive grasp of nationalism will bolster the resolve and efforts of the younger generation in defending the country.

Jan Prince Permata made this statement while speaking at the New Student Campus Introduction session for the 2024 Vocational Faculty at Brawijaya University in Malang on Sunday afternoon (August 18, 2024). In his presentation titled “Nationalism, Defense of the Country, and Students” to over 1,000 new students of the Vocational Faculty, Jan Prince Permata encouraged the students to reflect on Sukarno’s June 1, 1945 speech about the Foundations of an Independent Indonesia. “The Founding Fathers agreed on a Nation-State when Indonesia declared its independence, with Pancasila as the state ideology. This is a divine blessing for Indonesia. It is Pancasila that has kept our country strong and intact until now,” said Jan, to loud applause from the new students.

Jan also emphasized the close connection between Pancasila and nationalism with the Concept of Defending the Country. According to Jan, defending the country is a form of patriotism and a right and duty of every citizen. “Constitutionally, the duty to defend the country binds all Indonesians, as stated in Article 27, Paragraph 3 of the 1945 Constitution, which asserts that every citizen has the right and obligation to participate in national defense efforts. This is further elaborated in Article 30, Paragraphs 1 and 2, which regulate national defense,” said the alumnus of Bogor Agricultural Institute.

Jan explained that defending the country is a concept for Indonesians to shape national identity and character, develop the dynamic abilities of the younger generation through thinking patterns, and enhance human resource quality to face changes. “Physically, defending the country can be seen in efforts to guard against external threats or aggression. Non-physically, it can be seen as efforts to advance the nation and state in various sectors, including education, morals, social issues, sports, and achieving community welfare,” said Jan.

Jan also reminded that the leadership of Indonesia in 2045 will be filled by today’s students, so current students must be well-prepared and mature to become strong and resilient leaders by 2045. “Students need to equip themselves with knowledge, skills, and strengthen networks/collaborations as assets after graduation and when entering society,” he explained.

The discussion session was also attended by the Vice Dean for Student Affairs of the Vocational Faculty, Dr. Rer. Pol Romy Hermawan, S.Sos., M. AP, along with dozens of lecturers and staff from the Vocational Faculty of Brawijaya University.
