Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani Receives Audience from “Cyber ​​Friends”

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani received an
audience with “Sobat Cyber” on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 at the Wantimpres Office. CEO of
Sobat Cyber, Virna Lim conveyed the idea of ​​the importance of building digital talent in
Indonesia, considering that more than 8 million young people are unemployed and have not
found work. Putri appreciated and encouraged the opportunity to build a creative ecosystem
based on young people, especially in the National Capital City (IKN) of the Archipelago.
Widespread advocacy and socialization are needed so that IKN, which is a smart city, can
become a future city that is friendly to young people in life and activities.
