Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Second Session of Restricted Meeting Regarding Non-procedural Issues of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI)

On the same day, Wednesday (13/12/23), Presidential Advisory Council Member (Wantimpres) Sidarto Danusubroto conducted a second restricted meeting with the theme “Resolution of Non-procedural Issues of Indonesian Migrant Workers (PMI).” This session was led by the Member Secretary of Wantimpres, Sudiman Tarigan. In this second session, the same topic was further explored by gathering inputs from the civil society’s perspective, particularly from migrant worker observers. The present speakers were Aznil Tan, the Executive Director of Migrant Watch, and Hendra Setyawan, the Executive Director of Sigma. As government partners, both speakers suggested forming a dedicated Indonesian Migrant Worker Task Force (Satgas) to aid the government in addressing Non-procedural PMI issues abroad. Another effort proposed was expediting the issuance of Government Regulations related to the supervision and guidance of Indonesian migrant worker placement and protection. Also attending this meeting were Member Secretary of Wantimpres, Jan Prince Permata, and Triana Dewi Seroja, an expert on the team of Member Sidarto Danusubroto.
