
Discussion Forum in Randubener Village, Kembangbahu District

Regency accompanied by the Secretary of the Wantimpres Member, Jan Prince Permata, the Regional Secretary of Lamongan Regency, Forkopimda, and Regional Government Agencies of Lamongan Regency conducted a field inspection of Randubener Village, Kembangbahu District, Lamongan Regency, on Monday (11/12). The field inspection commenced with a Discussion Forum involving farmer

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Soekarwo, a Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Holds a Meeting with the Regent of Lamongan Regency, East Java Province

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Soekarwo, accompanied by the Secretary of the Wantimpres Member, Jan Prince Permata, held a meeting with the Regent of Lamongan Regency, Yuhronur Efendi, on Monday (11/12) at the Pendopo Lokatantra of Lamongan Regency. The meeting themed “Strategies and Innovations for Increasing Soybean Production in

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