Sidarto Danusubroto Becomes a Resource Person for the National Dialogue with the West Java Regional Police

Sidarto Danusubroto, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, during a working visit to the West Java (West Java) Polda accompanied by Sudiman Tarigan, Secretary of the Wantimpres Member, in a national dialogue with all West Java (West Java) Regional Police at the Herman Sudjanadiwirja Hall of the West Java Regional Police Headquarters, on Thursday, July 13, 2023.

The National Dialogue with all the West Java Regional Police was opened by the West Java Regional Police Chief, accompanied by the West Java Deputy Regional Police Chief, and attended by all Main officials of West Java Regional Police, Pamen and Pamma, Kapolrestabes, 3 Kapolresta, and 19 Kapolres Polda West Java. This event is intended as a provision, a reference, and a basis for optimizing the concrete steps taken by the West Java Regional Police in caring for diversity so that community harmonization is realized, security and stability are maintained, as well as supporting and succeeding development and government agendas in West Java Province.

Sidarto Danusubroto said that diversity is a gift from the Almighty. Indonesia, which is pluralistic, multicultural, multi-ethnic, and multi-religious, is a necessity that must be cared for and maintained in harmony. Indonesia’s diversity is an asset that holds various local assets that are capital for the prosperity and welfare of the nation.

Indonesia is ranked 4th in the world for carrying out the COVID-19 vaccination. But there is another important task that we must not forget, carrying out IDEOLOGICAL VACCINATION, because our nation is currently also facing another very vicious and dangerous virus attack, namely Intolerance, Racism, and Terrorism (IRT).

The growth and spread of intolerance, radicalism, and terrorism can be inhibited if the Indonesian nation has a solid foundation and a strong fortress. This can be done by providing a good and correct understanding of the Four Pillars of Nationalism to the nation’s next generation. The Four Pillars of Nationality are: Pancasila as the State Foundation and the way of life of the Indonesian Nation; the 1945 Constitution as the state constitution; The Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI) as a form of state, which is the commitment of the entire Indonesian nation.

Furthermore, Sidarto Danusubroto said that the duties and responsibilities of Polri members also varied. Give the best of the potential you have for the nation and country while still prioritizing a professional attitude, integrity, and positive character based on good morals. The challenges faced are certainly not easy. However, if guided by the attitude of precision, which is the motto of the National Police, the members will remain firm and not be affected by the many problems, challenges, or temptations in carrying out their service duties.
