Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Member of Wantimpres Habib Luthfi Attends Routine Kliwonan Dhikr and RecitationActivities

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi),
accompanied by Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Presidential Advisory Council, attended the
Kliwonan Dhikr and Recitation activities at Kanzus Sholawat, Pekalongan City, Central Java, on
Friday (3/23/).
One of the world’s Sufi scholars, Sheikh Shahumi, in his speech, said that he was happy to be
able to meet again after a long pause due to Covid-19. In addition, he reported that a
preparatory meeting for the International Sufi Meeting, which would be held in Indonesia, would
later also invite Sufism experts from various countries. He said he was happy to be reunited with
Habib Luthfi. He considers that Habib Luthfi is still the same as he was known before: busy as a
Member of the Presidential Advisory Council but still wanting to meet guests and carry out
routine activities such as Dhikr and Kliwonan Recitation, and very modest. Apart from Sheikh
Shahumi, the other sheikhs also expressed their joy at being able to return to Indonesia and
meet Habib Luthfi.

Present at the Kliwonan Dhikr and Recitation activities were Sheikh Muhammad Shahumi al-
Idrisi, Mursyid Thariqah Sadziliyah, and Idrisiyah from Libya; Sheikh Riyadh Bazo and Sheikh
Khaled Ibrahim, representatives of the Mufti of Lebanon; Sheikh Muhammad Maghrobi, Mufti of
Brazil; Sheikh Aun al-Quddumi, Mufti of Jordan; Habib Zain from Yaman. The public from
various regions also attended the activities.
