Collaboration between various elements of society and related institutions is currently needed to produce solutions to reduce supply chain costs that are still very high in Indonesia. Domestic logistics costs, which now account for 24% of gross domestic product (GDP), should be reduced by innovations born through synergistic collaboration from various elements of society and non-profit institutions.
This was stated by the member of the Presidential Advisory Council of the Republic of Indonesia (Wantimpres RI), Dr. Soekarwo SH., M.hum, when he was a speaker at the Alumni Gathering and Postgraduate School Award 2022 held by the Graduate School of Airlangga University in Surabaya on Friday (16/12/2022) night.
Soekarwo stated that innovations to cut supply chains can be produced through deliberations with stakeholders to produce participatory governor regulations, regent regulations, and mayoral regulations. “This is in line with President Joko Widodo’s call for provincial, district, and city governments to provide transportation costs to reduce supply chain costs,” said Pakde Karwo, Soekarwo’s nickname.
According to Soekarwo, innovation to reduce supply chain costs is an important part of Indonesia’s strategy in facing the potential threat of a global crisis, both in the food, energy, and financial fields that experts predict will occur next year. “Strengthening supply chains is also our effort to deal with a slowing global economy and the threat of an economic recession,” he said.
In addition to explaining the strengthening of domestic supply chains and the potential threat of economic recession, Pakde Karwo also explained the future economic conditions of Indonesia and the fundamental efforts that need to be taken by the government to protect strategic sectors for the livelihood of many people, such as food and energy.
This event was also attended by the Director of the Postgraduate School of Airlangga University, Prof. Badri Munir Sukoco, Ph.D., the Academic Community of the Postgraduate School of Airlangga University, and alumni. Also present were several regional heads in East Java, including Surabaya Mayor Eri Cahyadi, Lamongan Regent Yuhronur Efendi, Pacitan Regent Indrata Nur Bayuaji, and Ngawi Ony Regent Anwar Harsono.