Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Destruction of Archives of Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Secretariat

The Wantimpres Secretariat has held the destruction of procurement and maintenance archives
on Wednesday, November 2, 2022 at the Wantimpres Secretariat office, which has received
approval from the National Archives of the Republic of Indonesia (ANRI). The activity led by R.H.
Bambang B. Nugroho, Head of the General Bureau of the Wantimpres Secretariat was also
witnessed by: 1) Sinta Puspitasari, Head of the Presidential Administration and Archives Bureau,
Presidential Administration and Archives Bureau, Ministry Secretariat, 2) Hermawan Wijayanto,
Human Resources Analyst of the Associate Expert Apparatus, Bureau of Organization,
Governance, Law, and Bureaucratic Reform, Deputy for Apparatus Administration, 3) Hangga
Filardikh Bachtiar, Head of Administrative Support, Inspectorate.
Furthermore, in order to support the formation of a new State Capital and in accordance with the
commitment of the leadership in the Wantimpres environment to actively play a role in
implementing SE MenPAN-RB Number 1 of 2020 concerning the Rescue and Preservation of
State Archives for the 2014-2019 Period, at the time of the capital move, Wantimpres only brought
Static archives which were still active (used). With these efforts, it is hoped that Wantimpres can
actively participate in the process of saving and preserving the State archives as material for
preserving the nation’s collective memory.
