Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Limited Meeting Sequel with the theme of Selection of Religious Teachers as a Form of Radicalism Prevention

The Wantimpres held session II of the Limited Meeting with the theme “Selection of Religious Teachers as a Form of Radicalism Prevention” which was held on Monday, July 25, 2022 at the Wantimpres Office.

This limited meeting is a follow-up meeting in an effort to explore the problems regarding the understanding of religious radicalism that is developing in educational institutions. This activity was led by the Secretary to the Wantimpres Chairman, Begi Hersutanto.

Present as resource persons were Adhika Ganendra, S.Si., M.M. (Planning & Institutional Effectiveness Working Group Secretariat of the Directorate General of GTK), Nahdiana, M.Pd. (Head of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Education Office), Ismail Hassani (Director of the SETARA Institute) and Mujtaba Hamdi (Executive Director of the Wahid Foundation). Also attending the meeting were the Secretary to the Wantimpres members, the Head of the Data and Information Bureau of the Setwantimpres, and the Wantimpres Smart Team.
