Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


The Peak Night of Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi

Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi), Member of the Presidential Advisory Council accompanied by Secretary of the Wantimpres Members attended the Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi activity on Saturday, June 25, 2022. The event which took place at Purbalingga Square was also enlivened by Muslim musicians Sufi Mustafa Dust.

On that occasion Habib Luthfi reminded to avoid things that have the potential to divide the nation. Like a dry blade of grass, a grain sand of Indonesian is a betting, in other words “NKRI is at a Dead Price” because Indonesia’s independence was not because of a gift, but the result of struggle, bloodshed, and prayers from the founding fathers of the nation.

Our duty is to respect the merit of our predecessors, one of which is by commemorating the Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi. He is one of the most influential figures in Purbalingga and in Indonesia. In the future, Habib Luthfi also reminded that the Regent together with the TNI-Polri must immediately take the initiative to also organize the Haul of General Sudirman, who is none other than the son born in Purbalingga. Habib Luthfi added that the more often we organize the Haul of our ancestors, we will feel ashamed if there is a desire to destroy this country.

Also attending the event were the Regent of Purbalingga, the Commander of Kodim 0702/Purbalingga, the Head of the Purbalingga Police, religious leaders and publics who packed Purbalingga Square.
