Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


National Dialogue in the Context of Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi

Representing Habib Luthfi, Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Wantimpres members, attended the National Dialogue in the context of Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi with the theme Harmony in Diversity on Friday, June 24, 2022 in Purbalingga Regency, Central Java.

In the National Dialogue activity, two sources, namely Heru Sudjatmoko as Member of the DPR RI 2019-2024 Dapil Purbalingga, and Isfandiari Mahbub Djunaidi as Deputy Secretary General of the PBNU discussed the meaning of diversity from all aspects and potential problems that interfere with the harmonization of diversity in Indonesia.

Religious figures from Islam, Hinduism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Buddhism, Confucianism gave several testimonies related to social relations between religious communities. In addition, he also expressed hope for every religious community to reflect on themselves and their beliefs so as not to divide the unity and oneness that had been built long before Indonesia’s independence.

Also attending the event were the Regent of Purbalingga, who was represented by the Assistant Regional Secretary for Government and Welfare, Chairman of the DPRD of Purbalingga Regency, Head of the Purbalingga Police, Dandim 0702, Danlanud Great General Soedirman, Commander of Battalion 406 and several religious figures, as well as other community elements.
