Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Merah Putih Carnival and National Assembly of Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi

Representing Habib Luthfi, Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Wantimpres members, attended the Merah Putih Carnival and National Assembly of Haul Akbar Sheikh Ahmad Nahrowi Muhtarom Al Banyumasi on Saturday, June 25, 2022 at Purbalingga Square, Central Java.

In his remarks, the Commander of Kodim 0702/Purbalingga as the ceremony inspector said that the life of the Purbalingga people to work together, take care of each other, help each other and be considerate, must still be maintained and cared for. So that the goal of building Purbalingga which is advanced, comfortable, safe, peaceful and prosperous is easily achieved.

The event began with the sowing of flowers at the Purbosaroyo Heroes Cemetery, continued with the Merah Putih Carnival to the Square and ended with the National Assembly which was attended by TNI/Polri, community organizations, students, art activists and others.

Also attending the event were the Regent of Purbalingga, the Head of the Purbalingga Police, Hendra Susanto (Member I of the BPK for the period 2019-2022), Heru Sudjatmoko (Member of the Indonesian House of Representatives 2019-2024 for the Purbalingga Dapil), Isfandiari Mahbub Djunaidi (Wasekjen PBNU), Members of Forkopimda, religious leaders, and other community organizations.
