Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Habib Muhammad Lutfi Appointed as Honorary Citizen of Pussenarmed 

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Habib Muhammad Luthfi was appointed an Honorary Citizen of the Field Artillery Weapon Center (Pussenarmed) TNI AD, Monday (30/5).

Danpussenarmed Major General TNI Totok Imam Santoso said the appointment of Habib Luthfi as an Honorary Citizen of the Chocolate Beret Corps was not without reason. According to him, Habib Luthfi is a charismatic ulama whose nationalism is very strong.

“His thoughts on the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia, religion, and history are unquestionable and very brilliant. Habib Luthfi in his mandate wants the next generation to be more militant, love the Homeland, understand nationalism and have strong tolerance.

Habib Luthfi conveyed the philosophy behind the Merah Putih flag which contained the meaning: Honor, pride, unity, and oneness.
