Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Planning and Implementation of National MSME Development Acceleration

On Tuesday, November 2, 2021, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council Muhamad Mardiono accompanied by Secretary of the Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres) Mohammed Ali Berawi, Head of the Data and Information Bureau, the Expert Team and the Wantimpres Study Team held a meeting with the Deputy for Population and Manpower of the Ministry of PPN/ Bappenas Pungky Sumadi at the office of the Presidential Advisory Council.

Mardiono said that this meeting was held to discuss the planning and implementation of work programs for strengthening MSMEs to be more productive, independent and competitive. Mardiono also said that the health, economic and social resilience of the community needs to be continuously strengthened through breakthrough work programs that directly touch the needs of the community. Therefore, Mardiono emphasized the importance of increasing productivity and community welfare through strengthening MSMEs and the people’s economy.

Furthermore, Ali Berawi, who led the discussion, emphasized the importance of synergy and integrity of inter-ministerial work programs, development of partnerships and value chain networks for MSMEs, ease of access to capital and financing for increased production and operations, and digitalization of marketing for MSMEs. This meeting also discussed gap analysis that needs to be followed up in the context of developing MSMEs in Indonesia, including: coordinating MSME programs, optimizing consulting and mentoring services, creating value-added products, and increasing access to information on government policies and programs.
