Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


HR Agung Laksono, Member of Wantimpres Attends Ground Breaking Activity at South Bandung Muhammadiyah Hospital (RSMBS)

HR Agung Laksono, Agung Laksono, Members of the Wantimpres attend the Ground Breaking activity for the South Bandung Muhammadiyah Hospital (RSMBS).

RSMBS was built to improve health services in the South Bandung area. This is in accordance with the goals of the Muhammadiyah organization which is progressive and committed to providing the best service in the health sector to the community.

RSMBS is a type D hospital which was established in Ciparay, Bandung Regency. The hospital is also equipped with an energy-efficient elevator and a waste recycling system that can be used to water plants. In addition, in the hospital area there are green open spaces and rainwater absorption in order to preserve nature.

This activity was also attended by the National Police Chief, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, the General Chairperson of PP Muhammadiyah and the ranks of Muhammadiyah’s central management, and several other VIP invited guests. (MR)
