Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


H.R. Agung Laksono Opens Limited Meeting on Special Autonomy for Aceh and Papua

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Agung Laksono gave a speech at a limited meeting discussing the implementation and evaluation of the special autonomy of Aceh and Papua on Monday, August 30th, 2021. The limited meeting with the theme “Reconstruction of Special Autonomy for People’s Welfare in the Framework of Strengthening the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia”, was divided into two sessions. Present as the speakers at the first session were Bernardus Dwita Pradana (Head of the Main Directorate of Planning, Evaluation and Development of State Auditors, the Audit Board of the Republic of Indonesia), Isa Rachmatarwata (Director General of Budget, Ministry of Finance), Akmal Malik (Director General of Regional Autonomy, Ministry of Internal Affairs), and Professor Nurliah Nurdin (Director of STIA-LAN Polytechnic). Meanwhile, present as the speakers in the second session, Komarudin Watubun (Member of DPR-RI), Tengku Nasir Jamil (Member of DPR-RI), and Chusnul Mariyah (Director of CEPP FISIP UI).
In his speech, Agung Laksono said that special autonomy in both Aceh and Papua must ultimately be able to provide a multiplier effect on improving the welfare of the people in Aceh and Papua. Agung hopes that the results of the discussion at this Limited Meeting will produce ideas and breakthroughs in increasing the supervision effectiveness over the implementation of the Special Autonomy for Aceh and Papua, as well as providing perspectives in solving several crucial problems in Aceh and Papua.
