Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Soekarwo Becomes Speaker for Discussion on Hospital Associations throughout East Java

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Soekarwo, became speaker in the event “Bincang-Bincang Sersan (Serious-Relax Talks) Problems of Covid-19 Cases in East Java” via virtual conference which was held by the Association of Indonesian Hospitals (Persi) of East Java on Friday, August 6th, 2021. The event was also attended by the Governor of East Java, Khofifah Indar Parawansa and hospital directors throughout East Java.

In his presentation entitled “Development of Pandemic Handling”, Pakde Karwo—as he is usually called, reminding the importance of detecting cases as much as and as early as possible to control the pandemic and prevent deaths. Pakde Karwo also emphasized that efforts should be made to strengthen pandemic control following the increase of active cases and deaths due to Covid-19 in outside Java and Bali. Another thing that was conveyed was the importance of accelerating the rate of vaccination that involves strong coordination between the local government, the public health office and TNI/POLRI, and also the disbursement of incentives for health workers in all regions.
