Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Exquisite Cultural Diversity as Reflection of National Identity

“On this National Awakening Day, we need to revive national culture because the dignity of a nation depends on cultural values” said Sidarto Danusubroto. Cultural diversity is a beauty owned by Indonesia that must be cared and preserved.

Sidarto Danusubroto, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), presented as one of the keynote speakers at a webinar organized by Kebaya Foundation and Yayasan Busana Nasional Nusantara to celebrated National Awekening Day, on Monday, May 21, 2021. This webinar took the theme of Culture as the Shield of National Resilience.

Futhermore, it was said that national culture must be awakened so that it is not eroded by other cultures, as well as to overcome intolerance and radicalism which are threats to the unity of the nation.

“The soul of Pancasila is in role model, leadership by example, how leaders at the national and regional levels behave based on religion: truthful, tolerant, law compliant and conduct no corruption. It is not ritual that is important but the behavior” answered Sidarto in response to the question of role of Pancasila. Tolerance and mutual respect must be possessed to realize the unity of Indonesia with cultural and religious diversity. Sidarto supports Kebaya Foundation and Yayasan Busana Nasional Nusantara, by conveying that now it is the time to revive women of kebaya. “Honestly, women of kebaya are more beautiful and exquisite” said Sidarto. Besides kebaya, he hoped that local government or schools proposed the use of batik for 3-4 times a week, as it will not only revive regional industries but also national industries. (SF)
