Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Member of The Presidential Advisory Council, Soekarwo, Appreciates the Implementation of Village Information System (SID) in Dempel Village, Ngawi

During his visit to Dempel Village, Ngawi Regency, East Java in the framework of a Study on “Information Literacy for Building Digital Culture,” Wednesday (24/3), Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Soekarwo, appreciated the application of the Village Information System (SID) based on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) during the Covid-19 pandemic. He assessed that the Dempel Village Government has been able to utilize ICT in developing village potential by using SID during the Enactment of Community Activity Restrictions (PPKM) in Ngawi.

The SID application is able to support functions and tasks of the Dempel Village Government related to population data, licensing, information dissemination and marketing of MSME products through the market place. Furthermore, Soekarwo expressed his support in encouraging the transformation of digital services throughout Indonesia and he hopes that this achievement in Dempel Village could be the beginning of the development of a new digital-based culture. (TAS)
