Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, distributed 12.500 food packages and masks to the administrators, guards and cleaning staffs tend Kalibata Heroes Cemetery, The Pancasila Sakti Monument in Lubang Buaya, and veterans, as commemoration of Pancasila Day. She is the initiator of the Indonesian Women’s Volunteer Group “Pertiwi Indonesia” in collaboration with “Relawan Anak Bangsa” distributed food packages on Thursday, June 4, 2020. In addition, 1.300 food packages were also distributed to underprivilaged citizens and residents which are unemployed due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This is aimed as appreciation for veterans, administrators, guards and officers who continue to look after the cemetery and remind the public of heroes who had fought for independece of the nation as a manifestation of the soul of Pancasila and care with the spirit of gotong royong (collective mutual cooperation) during the Covid-19 pandemic.(OKT)
Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, Member of The Presidential Advisory Council Distributed Food Packages to Commemorate Pancasila Day