The office Handover Ceremony of Chairman and Members of Presidential Advisory Council

Former chairwoman and members of Presidential Advisory Council for 2015-2019 handed office over to new chairman and members of Presidential Advisory Council for 2019-2024 at Kresna meeting room on 16th December. The new board attended including Wiranto as chairman, Dato’ Sri A. Tahir, Habib Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya, Muhammad Mardiono, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani, R. Agung Laksono, Sidarto Danusubroto, and Soekarwo. While, the former board attended were Sri Adiningsih, Abdul Malik Fadjar, Jan Darmadi, M. Yusuf Kartanegara, Subagyo Hadisiswoyo, and K.H. Yahya Cholil Staquf.

After signing the Minutes of the Office Handover (Berita Acara Serah Terima/BAST), Sri Adiningsih presented documents, namely the Board Memorabilia Book, the Five Year Task Report, the Study of Indonesia Emas 2025 Book, and the Book of Digital Transformation and Digital Based Economy in Indonesia.

Hopefully, these documents might be useful for the new members or at least there will be a sustained program since advisorial tasks are demanding, not to mention directly provide advice to the president, Sri Adiningsih said.

Sri Adiningsih believed that the new advisory board appointed by President Joko Widodo consist of great people with highly competent capabilities to provide sensible advices. Sri Adiningsih hoped that the new board could support the president to get through the digital transformation era in order to achieve the golden Indonesia.

The new chairman, Wiranto, in his speech is greatly grateful to the trust by the President for assigning the new board to assist and provide advice and recommendations.

As mentioned by Sri Adiningsih in her speech, that the board tasks are demanding because we have to provide advices and recommendations whether requested or not requested by the president. Moreover, the president has carried out strategic and challenging missions bringing Indonesian to enter the fight for global competition.

As we received the input from Sri Adiningsih, the former chairman of the board, including institutional memorabilia and a five year task report, it is obviously essential to support the continuity of tasks, Wiranto said.

While serving as Coordinating Political, Legal and Security Affairs Minister within 3,5 years, Wiranto always accompanied the president. He knows how nationalist the president is about Indonesia, including the president’s concerns on escalating human resources to human capital, introducing a wide bureaucratic reform, eradicating corruption, and investing in new technologies.

We realised that the president has equipped with many supporting instruments. It means we have to seize window of opportunities in order to provide logical advice and recommendations in a timely manner.

The new chairman believes that the nine members with various skills and wide experiences could bring new perspectives and ideas for supporting the president. In the closing statement, he asked for blessings from the whole communities so that the board could have strength to carry out the duties properly. (NAM)
