Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Reviewing the 042 Military Region Command (Korem)/White Garuda Facility

The cultural and geographical differences have made the development of military and non-military threats different from one region to another. To support the Indonesian National Armed Forces (TNI) duties and functions, Korem as a military command unit in the region conducts territorial guidance such as updating the data collection of the territorial conditions and threats on each task area. To observe task performance of TNI duties and the current conditions in the Jambi Province, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Mr. Subagyo Hadisiswoyo, visited the 042/White Garuda Military Command Headquarters on Tuesday, November 13, 2018. During his visit, he held a meeting with Military Region Command Head of Staff (Kasrem) 042/ White Garuda and related parties to obtain information about the current conditions and the territorial data collection of Jambi Province, such as the obstacles and challenges in carrying out the tasks. At the end of the visit, Mr. Subagyo visited the construction of the Korem Headquarters facilities. (RA)
