Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Working visit of the Chairwoman of The Presidential Advisory Council of The Republic of Indonesia to Jogja Digital Valley

During a working visit to Yogyakarta on 31st August 2018, Mrs. Sri Adiningsih, Chairwoman of The Presidential Advisory Council of The Republic of Indonesia, visited Jogja Digital Valley (JDV) and also had dialogue with the digital economic entrepeneurs such as Run System, Qiscus, Growpal, Angon, Nuta Pos and The working visit were carried out to gather information about the development of Digital Economy and Creative Economy in the Region, especially Yogyakarta. On her remarks the Chairwoman stated that, government has been developing electrification and internet access for villages in order to support digital economy. The Chairwoman was proud that many start up are being creative and hope they could progressed fast. (e-why)
