Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Presidential Advisory Council’s Public Lecture in Bandung Insitute of Technology (ITB)

On August 7, 2018, General (Ret.) Agum Gumelar, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (WANTIMPRES) held a working visit to Bandung, West Java, in order to fullfil the invitation from the Rector of Bandung Insitute of Technology (ITB). His agenda was to deliver public lecture about “Nation Building Character” for 4.105 ITB new students, of academic year of 2018/2019 in Sasana Budaya Ganesha Hall in ITB Bandung.
In his lectures, Agum said that a great nation is a nation that recognizes and respects the history of the nation’s struggle and the services of its heroes. Young generation are pioneers on the nation’s progress and also the agent of change on the development in all fields. Therefore, to become a great nation, young generation must have a spirit of nationalism, competitiveness and discipline. He hopes that the ITB students have the awareness to actively participate in all dimensions of development. (AD)
