Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Chairwoman of The Presidential Advisory Council of The Republic of Indonesia Held The Audience Meeting with stakeholders related to Student Competency Test of Professional Doctor Program

Mrs. Sri Adiningsih, Chairwoman of The Presidential Advisory Council of The Republic of Indonesia, and Mr. Sidarto Danusubroto, Member of The Presidential Advisory Council of The Republic of Indonesia held a meeting focus on Competency Test of Professional Doctor Program (Uji Kompetensi Mahasiswa Program Profesi Dokter – UKMPPD) on Monday, April 9, 2018. In the meeting, it was explained that UKMPPD was held at the end of professional education as an exit exam to avoid malpractices by incompetent doctors. UKMPPD is multidimensional so it was not only by one test, but it is longitudinal. UKMPPD is considered as requirement for doctor’s practice, not a requirement for graduation and this applies to all countries.
Diploma and certification are considered different, a diploma is an acknowledgment for those who has completed education, while certification is a skill proficiency acknowledgement within a profession. The Ministry of Technology, Research and Higher Education has put forward efforts to manage the issue of UKMPPD by forming a team of experts. The number of student that was not graduated were only around 8% from the total number of participants, and the UKMPPD graduation trend is increasing annualy. (e-why)
