Discussion Forum in Randubener Village, Kembangbahu District

Regency accompanied by the Secretary of the Wantimpres Member, Jan Prince Permata, the Regional Secretary of Lamongan Regency, Forkopimda, and Regional Government Agencies of Lamongan Regency conducted a field inspection of Randubener Village, Kembangbahu District, Lamongan Regency, on Monday (11/12). The field inspection commenced with a Discussion Forum involving farmer groups in Randubener Village, sub-district heads, urban village chiefs, and village heads in Kembangbahu District. The discussion forum themed “Strategies and Innovations for Increasing Soybean Production in Lamongan Regency” aimed to gather aspirations from farmers, village heads, and relevant parties.

Soekarwo, in the discussion forum, mentioned that until now, 80% of Indonesia’s soybean demand is still fulfilled through imports, hence the need to continually enhance domestic soybean production. The main challenges faced by soybean farmers include rodent infestation during harvest, price fluctuations, and the absence of price guarantees from the government leading to plummeting prices during harvest season or lack of off-takers.

During this occasion, Soekarwo urged farmers to use organic fertilizers in agricultural cultivation and refrain from engaging in loan shark practices in selling their agricultural produce.

During the field inspection, Soekarwo and Jan Prince Permata, alongside the Regent of Lamongan, Deputy Police Chief of Lamongan, District Military Commander 0812, Head of the Food Security and Agriculture Agency, along with the Randubener Village Head, symbolically conducted soybean seed planting in the agricultural land.
