Habib Luthfi Gives Lecture at Digital Literacy Activities in Pekalongan

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) accompanied
by Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary to the Presidential Advisory Council member, gave a lecture at the Chip
In Digital Literacy event on Thursday (4/5), in the Kanzus Sholawat building, Pekalongan. The event
organized by the Ministry of Communication and Information was packaged in the form of a Halal

Bihalal Ratibul Kubro and was also attended by Special Staff of the Minister of Communication and
Information Rosarita Niken Widiastuti.

In his lecture, Habib Luthfi invited the congregation to consistently practice the various ratibs that we
know today, such as Ratibul Haddad, Ratibul Athos and others. Each ratib has its own specialty.

All ratibs are the legacy of Soleh Ulamas in the past. The contents of the majority ratib are praying for
the people of the prophet Muhammad SAW praying to cover the disgrace of the people of the prophet
Muhammad SAW. The entire ratib contains love for the people of the Prophet Muhammad SAW. Our
task is just to follow, embody the pearls contained in these ratibs.

The next message to the congregation is to consistently care for and love Indonesia. The way to do this
is to revive one’s identity, fortify oneself so that we are not easily pitted against one another by the
nation’s children. We are a nation that has pride. Our ancestors would be proud if we were able to
protect and care for this nation. Don’t let the 2024 elections cause us to hate each other. Such behavior
will only make the founding fathers of this nation sad and suffer in their graves.

Also present with Habib Luthfi to enliven the activity included preachers Gus Miftah, Haddad Alwi,
scholars and habaib and congregations from various regions in the country.
