Member of Wantimpres Habib Luthfi Attends Kliwonan Routine Dhikr and Recitation Activities

Member of the Wantimpres Habib Luthfi Ali Yahya attended the Dhikr and Kliwonan Recitation activities at Kanzus Sholawat, Pekalongan. This routinely held activity was held again for the first time after a break during the month of Ramadan.

The recitation, which was attended by thousands of people from various regions in the country, received a positive response from the community as seen from the enthusiasm of the residents who tried to shake hands with Habib Luthfi. The recitation, which was packed with various groups of people, should be grateful for the increasing prevalence of Covid-19 cases in Indonesia.

On that occasion, Habib Luthfi said that sharia, tarekat and makrifat are actually 3 things that cannot be separated from each other. He gave a simple example, namely eating, the shari’a is to eat rice where rice grains before it becomes rice involves colossal work (many people). That is why the prayer of eating is plural, therefore people who understand the tarekat and makrifat must appreciate the hard work of processing something like food. In addition, the message that Habib Lutfi wants to convey is not to be arrogant so that he wastes it when he has something in excess.
