On Friday 29 April 2022, Habib Luthfi, Member of the Presidential Advisory Council and the
Regional Leadership Coordination Forum (Forkopimda) of Pekalongan City visited the THR safety
posts (pos pam) for the 2022 Ketupat Candi Operation.
The Forkopimda entourage who assisted in the activities were as follows:
1. Chairman of the Regional People’s Representative Council (DPRD) of Pekalongan, M. Azmi
Basyir, ST., M.Sc.
2. Mayor of Pekalongan, H. A. Afzan Arslan Djunaid, SE.
3. Military District Commander (Dandim) 0710 Pekalongan, Lt. Col. Hamonangan Lumban
Toruan, SIP.
4. Pekalongan City Police Chief, AKBP Wahyu Rohadi, SIK.5. Head of Correctional Institution IIA Pekalongan Headquarters, Imam Purwanto, Bc.IP., SH.,
6. Head of Jasa Raharja Pekalongan City Branch, Sugeng Prastowo, SE.
7. Pekalongan City Deputy Chief of Police, Commisioner Anggara Rustamyono, SIK.
8. Pekalongan City Police Chief Officers.
9. Company Commander (Danki) B Pioneer Mobile Brigade Unit (Sat Brimob) Regional Police
(Polda) Central Java AKP Nuril, SH. and AKP Muslih, SH.
10. Head of the Department of Transportation of Pekalongan City, Drs. Slamet Prihantono, MM
During the visit, Habib Luthfi’s entourage and the Forkopimda of Pekalongan City were received
by the Head of Operations and Head of THR pos pam.
On that occasion, Habib Luthfi Bin Ali Bin Yahya together with Forkopimda gave gifts to the
personnel of the THR pos pam for TNI, Polri, Department of Transportation, Department of Health,
Banser and Rapi as a form of support to the personnel carrying out their duties.