Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Soekarwo Gives Lecture at the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PK2MB) FISIP Sriwijaya University 2021

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council (Wantimpres), Soekarwo, bravely attended the Introduction to Campus Life for New Students (PK2MB) FISIP Sriwijaya University (Unsri) 2021 on Thursday, August 19th, 2021. In the event attended by Prof. Dr. Kiagus Muhammad Sobri, M.Si., Dean of FISIP Unsri, Pakde Karwo—as he is usually called, gave a virtual lecture in front of 1000 new students majoring in Public Administration, Sociology, Communication and International Relations Studies with the theme “Challenges and Expectations of the Millennials in Adapting to Social, Political and Social Changes in the COVID-19 Pandemic Era”.

In his presentation, he advised the millennials and gen Z to have high adaptability to reduce various social tensions and potential conflicts, and to become a strong generation with open, innovative and creative thinking. As well as strengthening the spirit of mutual cooperation, unity and social awareness like the Founding Fathers of the Nation did. (MEL)
