Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Representing Habib Luthfi, Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Wantimpres Members Attends the Multaqo Shufi al-‘Alami Prime Meeting

Representing Habib Luthfi, Hasbullah Ahmad, Secretary of the Wantimpres Members attended
the preliminary meeting of the plan to organize the Multaqo Shufi al-‘Alami (International Sufi
Ulemas Meeting) on Saturday, April 16, 2022 at the residence of Rois Am JATMAN, Pekalongan,
Central Java.
This preliminary meeting scheduled Prof. Dr. Imam Taufiq, M.Ag as the Rector of UIN Walisongo
Semarang to convey the readiness of his campus as one of the candidates for organizing the
International Multaqo Shufi. The activity is planned to be held in Semarang on September 9-11,
2022 with the theme “From JATMAN to the World”.
The meeting began with remarks from the Deputy Rois JATMAN, KH. Ali Mas’adi who delivered
a flashback of the journey of implementing the first and second International Multaqo Shufi and
his hopes for the future implementation. This meeting will be followed by subsequent meetings
including the formation of the central and regional committees. On the substance aspect, therewill be many current issues that will get the attention and response of the scholars who will be
present at this Multaqo Shufi activity.
After the inaugural meeting, it was followed by iftar activities at the residence of Habib Lutfi. Also
present were invited guests from the Management of Idaroh Aliyyah Jam’iyyah Ahlith Thoriqoh
Al-Mu’tabaroh An-Nahdliyyah throughout Indonesia.
