Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani and Sidarto Danusubroto Receive Audience from Pertiwi Indonesia 

Members of the Presidential Advisory Council, Putri Kus Wisnu Wardani and Sidarto Danusubroto accompanied by each Secretary Members received an audience from Pertiwi Indonesia as well as representatives from various kebaya communities in Indonesia at the Wantimpres office on Monday, August 8, 2022. Apart from Pertiwi Indonesia, representatives of the kebaya community those present at this audience included SRITA, Bunda Milenial, CIRI Berkebaya, PSMTI, Forum Bhineka Indonesia, Kebaya Foundation, Perempuan Jenggala, Perempuan Bersanggul Nusantara, TUJF-Alumni Trisakti, Komunitas Notaris Indonesia Berkebaya, Alumni Indonesia, Sarinah Projo, Fatayat NU, NKRI Berkebaya, Perempuan Berkebaya Indonesia, Perempuan Indonesia Maju, Forum Silaturahmi Keraton Nusantara, Rampak Sarinah, dan Sekar Ayu Jiwanta.

This meeting discussed the proposal for the kebaya to get world recognition as an intangible cultural heritage from UNESCO. On this occasion the kebaya community with the support of the Wantimpres has agreed to initiate a nomination of the traditional kebaya dress to UNESCO as the sole nominee on behalf of the Republic of Indonesia. In addition, the kebaya communities also proposed the submission of the National Kebaya Day. In addition to strengthening the nation’s identity, kebaya can encourage a strategic economy, where the kebaya industry is dominated by MSMEs and their derivatives and is labor-intensive.
