Dewan Pertimbangan Presiden


Maulid Akbar Prophet Muhammad SAW in Pekalongan

Member of the Presidential Advisory Council, Muhammad Luthfi Ali Yahya (Habib Luthfi) led the
commemoration of the Prophet Muhammad’s birthday on Sunday (30/10) at Kanzus Sholawat,
Pekalongan. The Maulid Akbar activity is the culmination of a series of Maulid Nabi Muhammad
SAW events initiated by Habib Lutfi. Prior to Maulid Akbar, various activities had been carried out
including Khataman Al-Quran and Khataman Imam Bukhori, Donation for Orphans and Du’afa,UMKM Bazaar, Maulid Wedding, Merah Putih Kirab, Rotibul Kubro, Silaturahmi Mursyidin
Jatman, Red and White rally and NKRI Pledge, National Gathering Ulama-Umaro with the TNI
and Polri, Pekalongan Panjang Jimat Parade. Pilgrims from a number of areas packed Kanzus
Sholawat and various roads in Pekalongan City to solemnly attend the Maulid Akbar.
The Maulid Akbar event was preceded by Dalailul Khoirot, Madah Nabawiyah, and the reading of
the Mawlid Simthutduror book preceded by Tawasul by Khodimul Maulid, Habib Luthfi. In his
remarks K.H. Said Aqil Siradj stressed that our love for the Prophet Muhammad be used as
spiritual energy, spiritual strength which further strengthens the spirit of religion, nation and state.
“With the Maulid of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, it will increase the energy of faith,” he said.
Furthermore, the Danjen Kopassus, Maj. Gen. TNI Iwan Setiawan expressed his high
appreciation to Habib Luthfi for holding Maulid Akbar in Pekalongan. On this occasion the Danjen
Kopassus hopes that there will be synergy and solidity between the TNI-Polri, Ulama and all
elements of the nation to create unity and integrity to face situations of global impact.
Present at the Maulid Akbar, Chairperson of KPK, Firli Bahuri, Chief of the Indonesian National
Police, Indonesian National Police Chief General Listyo Sigit Prabowo, General Chair of PB NU
2010-2022 KH. Said Aqil Siradj, Head of BNPT, Police Commissioner General Boy Rafli Amar,
and Danjen Kopassus, Major General Iwan Setiawan. Central Java Regional Police Chief,
Inspector General of Police Ahmad Luthfi, Danrem 071/Wijayakusuma Colonel Inf Yudha
Airlangga, and Forkopimda. Apart from that, Habaib, Kyai, and Ulama from various regions were
also present.
